The Ruby Slipper Project

This is a place for creative self-discovery. Women come and paint without judgment or expectation and embrace the journey as their own. Just like Dorothy, we all have the answers within us, this is just a beautiful way of discovering them.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


It wouldn't be right to teach a class about the process if I wasn't undergoing one myself. Building this studio has been a long time dream for me and just like everything, it hasn't happened overnight. Thanks to my VERY loving husband, he has been spending the last week working on this room. Ugly ceiling tiles taken down, new insulation, ventilation, electrical, light fixtures and vapor barrier, not all the sexy stuff, but one slow step at a time, we are working our way to a beautiful space for women to come to create and find some quiet space for themselves. The drywaller's come on Thursday. New paint colour, new floor, moldings... more pictures to come.....